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Video of 5 Axis Laser Machine lasering a texture on medical implants. The texture applied to the medical implants will allow bone & tissue fibers to naturally adhere to the implant. A process is known as osseointegration*.
*Osseointegration; the firm anchoring of a surgical implant (such as dentistry or bone surgery) by the growth of bone around it without fibrous tissue formation at the interface.
Since 1976, St. Paul Engraving has been committed to providing customers the latest innovative technology allowing us to deliver on consistent quality, customer service & fast turnaround time.
If you have any questions on an upcoming project and how St. Paul Engraving may be able to help customize your product’s design, please do not hesitate to ask, we are here to help. Contact information in our bio or email us at info@stpaulengraving.com.